Preparing to attend college can be daunting, especially when it comes to the matter of money. But, with proper planning you can figure out how to make it worth. Every college student should put together a college budget plan to determine how they are going to afford their college education. A college student budget should look at all the sources of income as well as all expenses. The plan should include not only a monthly budget, but a budget for the semester and for the entire year. Use our free College Budget Template to help you get started with your college budget planning. Continue reading below for additional tips and information.
College Budget
Are finances keeping you from college? This student budget worksheet helps you with college budget planning for each semester. It includes many school-related expense categories, so that you can get a good realistic start on your budget.
A budget is only as good as the information entered into it.
- Make sure that numbers you are using are accurate.
- Look at past bills for items such as cell phones and memberships.
- Call the college and ask for help.
- The finance/tuition office may have additional information or there may be a student life office with real college students willing to help you.
- Call around and get quotes or details from housing and insurance companies.
Doing all of this is especially important if you are traveling some distance from school as the cost of living may be significantly higher than where you live currently.
What should a college student budget include?
- Textbooks and school supplies. Course materials could eat up a large chunk of your budget. …
- Room and board. When it comes to food and living arrangements, weigh your options. …
- Transportation. …
- Clothing. …
- Discretionary spending.