Excel Tutorials | Advance Excel Tips

Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for everything from simple data entry to complex data analysis. In this tutorial, we will cover some advanced Excel tips that can help you take your skills to the next level.

  1. Use keyboard shortcuts: One of the easiest ways to speed up your work in Excel is to use keyboard shortcuts. For example, you can use “Ctrl + C” to copy a cell or range of cells, and “Ctrl + V” to paste it somewhere else. Other useful keyboard shortcuts include “Ctrl + Z” to undo an action, and “Ctrl + Y” to redo it.
  2. Use range names: Another way to make your work in Excel more efficient is to use range names. A range name is a label that you can assign to a cell or range of cells. For example, you might have a range of cells that contain sales data for different regions, and you could assign the name “sales_data” to that range. This makes it easier to refer to that range in formulas and functions, rather than having to type out the cell references each time.
  3. Use Excel’s built-in functions: Excel has a wide range of built-in functions that can help you perform various tasks, such as calculating the sum of a range of cells or finding the average of a set of numbers. Some of the most useful functions include SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN. You can also use the IF function to perform conditional calculations, such as checking whether a value is greater than or less than a certain threshold.
  4. Create charts and graphs: Excel is also great for creating charts and graphs to visualize your data. You can create a wide range of charts, including bar charts, line charts, and pie charts. To create a chart, first select the data that you want to include in the chart, then go to the “Insert” tab and choose the type of chart that you want to create. You can then customize the chart by changing the colors, adding data labels, and more.
  5. Use pivot tables: Pivot tables are another powerful feature of Excel that can help you summarize and analyze large amounts of data. A pivot table allows you to rearrange and summarize your data in different ways, by dragging and dropping fields into different areas of the table. This can be a great way to quickly find trends and patterns in your data.
  6. Use conditional formatting: Conditional formatting allows you to apply formatting to cells based on the values in those cells. For example, you could use conditional formatting to highlight cells that contain values that are above or below a certain threshold. This can be a great way to quickly identify important values in your data.
  7. Use data validation: Data validation is a feature that allows you to set rules for the values that can be entered into a cell or range of cells. For example, you could use data validation to ensure that a cell only contains a number between 1 and 10, or to restrict the values that can be entered in a cell to a list of predefined options.
  8. Use the VLOOKUP function: The VLOOKUP function is a powerful tool that can be used to search for and retrieve data from a table or range of cells. For example, you could use VLOOKUP to search for a specific value in a table, and then return a corresponding value from a different column in that table.
  9. Use macros: Macros are small programs that you can create in Excel to automate tasks. For example, you could create a macro that automatically formats a worksheet every time you open it, or that performs a series of calculations and updates a chart.
  10. Use data consolidation: Data consolidation is a feature that allows you to combine data from multiple worksheets or workbooks into a single summary worksheet. This can be useful if you have data stored in multiple places and need to combine it for analysis or reporting purposes.
  11. Use the auditing tools: Excel includes a number of auditing tools that can help you troubleshoot formulas and identify errors in your worksheets. The Formula Auditing toolbar includes tools such as “Trace Precedents” and “Trace Dependents” that allow you to see how cells are related to each other, and the “Evaluate Formula” tool that allows you to see how Excel calculates a formula.
  12. Use data filtering: Data filtering is a feature that allows you to hide rows or columns that do not meet certain criteria, so that you can focus on specific data. You can use data filtering to show only the rows or columns that contain certain values, or to show only rows or columns that meet certain conditions.
  13. Use data sorting: Data sorting is a feature that allows you to rearrange your data in a specific order, such as alphabetically or numerically. You can sort data by a single column or multiple columns, and you can choose to sort in ascending or descending order.
  14. Use data subtotaling: Data subtotaling is a feature that allows you to insert subtotals and grand totals into your data. This can be useful if you have a large amount of data and want to summarize it in a more organized way.
  15. Use the “What-If” analysis tools: Excel includes a number of “What-If” analysis tools that allow you to perform sensitivity analysis and see how changes in certain input values will affect the output of a model or formula. These tools include the “Scenario Manager,” “Goal Seek,” and “Data Table.”

You can become more efficient and productive in your work with Excel. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, there is always more to learn and ways to improve your skills. Below are the details article on each of the above: