Electricity Consumption
How much electricity do you use each month? The answer may vary. It depends on several factors, but mostly will depend on type and number of household appliances that you are using. You may not pay attention that incorrect selection of your new appliances will raise your electricity bill. You may not be aware also that replacing some of your current appliances with other models, rearrange operational time of particular electronic devices will also cut down your energy expenses. So this Electricity consumption calculator is beneficial.
Power Consumption
Hence, This electricity consumption calculator will help you to calculate how much it costs for the electricity to run various household appliances. Furthermore, it will give you the ideas on how to lower your bill. It needs some work to do, though. However, You need to check and record Wattage values of each of the current appliances. All references in this template is generally based on common specification. It may generate different result compare with your current electricity bill. You can find your appliances electricity specification in the user guide books or labels or you can search it in internet.
Average Electricity Usage
There are two worksheets in this template, “Appliances Data” and “Calculation” worksheet. You can start using it from “Appliances Data” worksheet.
Appliances Data Worksheet Calculator
This worksheet is already fill with some common appliances along with their rating values. You may check with your current electronic devices to make sure that the values are correct.
Calculation Worksheet Calculator
All fillable fields have white background. There are dummy values to help you understand it easily. Type/select required information as follows :
- House location and cost/kWh (check your bill)
- Appliance Item from drop down list in Appliance Column
- Hourly usage per day for the selected appliance
- Number of similar appliance unit (if you leave it empty, consumption per day will take 1 as default value)
- Usage frequency (in day(s)) per week (if you leave it empty, consumption per week will take 7 as default value)
- Usage frequency (in day(s)) per month (if you leave it empty, consumption per month will take 30 as default number of days)
Power Consumption Meter
If discrepancy between computed energy consumption and electricity bill value are too obvious, try to adjust rating and hourly usage for some appliances that you can suspect are not typed correctly.
Electricity Consumption Calculator
In conclusion, by using this electricity consumption calculator template you can discover which appliances consume more energy than others. Thus, you can decide either you will replace it or manage its running time to lower you monthly electricity bill. Moreover, You will be amazed on how much you can save it after your do some adjustment. Thus, This template is fully editable. So, You can create your own spreadsheet based on ideas with this spreadsheet. You can adjust its layout or tweaking its formulas to suit your needs.