Probably this GPA calculator excel template is one of those simple template where you can easily create it by yourself. Even you can find logic about that grade inside the excel help on using IF function.
GPA Calculator
GPA calculator excel or Grade Points Average is a common tool used to measure student’s academic achievement in the school, college or university. This GPA are calculate by dividing the total number of Grade Points received by total number of Credits taken.
CGPA Calculator
And grade points usually use letters to classify achievement. Letter A is highest grade point and E or F is the lowest grade points. This GPA method is accepted for most of the schools or universities worldwide as their passing grade to enter in school or universities. Also useful if you want to apply some scholarships. So, if you are planning to become a Doctor, Master or Professor. Or you want to be accepted in your favorite schools, I suggest you to study hard to get a good GPA to ease this school path.
Cumulative GPA Calculator
Using my template is very easy, just fill your class name, put your grade points and credit in corresponding cells. Hence, These GPA formula will do the rest of the work for you. Be sure not to type on blue cells since it contains formulas.
Percentage To GPA
Most schools, colleges, and universities in the United States use a grading system based on the letters above. Though E is sometimes used instead of F. Grading systems do differ based on what constitutes an A or B, and some do not include grades such as an A+ or a B-. Others may attribute more weight to certain courses. Thus whatever grade is attained in the course will have a larger effect on overall GPA. The calculator can account for this base on the number of credits attribute to a course. Moreover credit is the “weighting” of the course, as shown in the examples below.