Download HR Dashboard Template In Excel

Simplify Your HR Management with Our User-Friendly HR Dashboard Template in Excel Sheet

In today’s dynamic business environment, keeping track of your company’s human resources is more critical than ever. Your HR department plays a significant role in maintaining employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. To manage your HR team effectively, you need the right tools at your disposal. That’s where our easy-to-use Human Resource Dashboard Template, featuring essential KPIs, comes in.

Our HR dashboard template is designed to help HR professionals monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) effortlessly through an automated, visually appealing, and user-friendly system. This dashboard connects to multiple sheets for tracking various HR KPIs, such as absence rate, absence cost monitoring, benefit satisfaction rate, satisfaction rate, engagement rate, internal promotion rate, turnover rate, 90-day quit rate, and acceptance ratio. Each KPI has a separate sheet for data input, ensuring a smooth and organized user experience.

Essential HR KPIs to Monitor:

  1. Absence Rate: Keep track of the percentage of employee absences in your organization to identify trends and address any underlying issues.
  2. Absence Cost Monitoring: Monitor the financial impact of employee absences on your organization and make informed decisions to minimize costs.
  3. Benefit Satisfaction Rate: Measure the satisfaction level of employees with the benefits offered, helping you improve your benefits package and enhance employee satisfaction.
  4. Satisfaction Rate: Evaluate the overall satisfaction of employees within your organization to identify areas of improvement and maintain a positive work environment.
  5. Engagement Rate: Track the level of employee engagement, which directly impacts productivity, retention, and overall company success.
  6. Internal Promotion Rate: Monitor the rate at which employees are promoted internally to ensure fair growth opportunities and maintain employee motivation.
  7. Turnover Rate: Keep an eye on employee turnover rates to identify patterns and take proactive steps to improve retention.
  8. 90-Day Quit Rate: Track the percentage of employees who leave within the first 90 days of employment to identify and address any onboarding or early employment issues.
  9. Acceptance Ratio: Measure the percentage of job offers accepted by candidates, which can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your recruitment strategies.

Why HR Dashboards Matter:

  1. Better Decision: Making HR dashboards give you a quick overview of your organization’s human resources performance, helping HR managers make smarter decisions, spot trends, and tackle any issues that come up.
  2. Increased Productivity: By automating KPI monitoring, HR professionals can concentrate on more strategic tasks, like employee engagement and talent development, improving overall productivity.
  3. Higher Employee Retention: Regularly monitoring KPIs lets HR managers identify patterns and take proactive steps to address potential employee dissatisfaction, leading to better employee retention rates.
  4. Clear Communication: Our HR dashboard template provides a clear visual representation of KPIs, making it simpler for HR professionals to share their progress and performance with stakeholders.
  5. Compliance Monitoring HR dashboards help ensure that your organization meets compliance requirements by tracking essential metrics and providing alerts when there is a deviation from set standards.

Key Features of Our HR Dashboard Template:

  1. Automated and Easy-to-Use Our template is fully automated, allowing you to input data and instantly see the results on the dashboard.
  2. Engaging Visuals The dashboard uses pie charts and bar graphs to present the data in an engaging and easy-to-understand format.
  3. Flexible Customization You can easily tailor the dashboard to your organization’s unique needs, tracking only the KPIs that matter to your business.
  4. Seamless Integration with Multiple Sheets The HR dashboard connects to multiple sheets for smooth monitoring of various KPIs, ensuring an organized experience.
  5. Straightforward Data Input Each KPI has a separate sheet for data input, making it simple for HR professionals to add or update information as needed.


Our Human Resource Dashboard Template is an essential tool for HR professionals looking to optimize their department’s performance. With real-time insights into key performance indicators, this template empowers HR teams to make data-driven decisions, streamline communication, and ultimately, drive better results for your organization.

Don’t miss out on the chance to transform your HR department with our user-friendly HR dashboard template. Download it today and start enjoying the benefits of improved efficiency and decision-making.

Download this HR Dashboard template in Excel Format

Our easy to use editable Excel templates and save your significant amount of time and effort. Here’s how to download and use one of our templates:

  1. Download this free Excel Template: Once you’ve browsed through our collection of templates and find the one that best fits your needs. Once you’ve found the template you want, click on the download button.

  2. Replace sample data with your actual data: Once the template is downloaded, open it in Excel. You’ll see that it is already set up with sample data. To start analyzing your own data, simply replace the sample data with your actual data.

  3. Customize the template: Our templates are completely editable, which means you can customize them to fit your specific needs. For example, you can change the formatting, add or remove columns, or create new charts and graphs.

  4. Use the Excel template: Once you’ve fed in your data and customized the template, you’re ready to start using it for data analysis. Use the various tools and features of Excel to analyze and visualize your data, and make informed business decisions.

  5. Save and share: Once you’ve finished working on the template, save it to your computer and share it with other members of your team or stakeholders as needed.

Click Download Button To Get HR Dashboard Excel Template

Instruction :

All Excel templates and tools are sole property of User can only download and use the excel templates for their Personal use only. All templates provided by XLSX templates are free and no payment is asked. However, you are not allowed to distribute or share in any other website for sole purpose of generating revenue from it.

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