Several months ago, there were several people asking for fixture generator and match scheduler that is designed specifically for sports other than soccer that played in number of sets and require 2 or 3 sets to decide the winner, where it is common in volleyball, tennis, table tennis and many more. Because these sports are usually played in single place, for example in one of the venue with several courts, there will be no need of home and away matches arrangement. Also, one team should play other team more than twice within one league period. This feature isn’t supported in my Soccer League Creator.
Volley Ball Scheduler
For the past 2 weeks, I tried to simulate this league and try to modify my League Creator, but it looks like this additional features require more excel and computer resources to process all needed calculation. So, I decided to drop almost all of scoresheet and standing features and focus on creating fixtures generator that generate matches between the same team more than twice and add more flexible matches arrangement in this new Sport League Fixtures Generator and Match Scheduler.
Volley Tennis Scheduler
Volleyball Tennis Fixture Generator Match Scheduler Sample for Excel Because of tie-breaker rule nature between soccer and set matches, I created 2 models that you can use. One model is designed specifically for soccer matches, the other model is designed specifically for game-set-match type of sports.
Soccer League
The first model, which aim for soccer league, will allow you to create custom matchday and the same team could set to meet until 8 times throughout the league. But, it doesn’t equipped with dashboard, last 5 matches, team info tables and other accessory features you might have seen in Soccer League Creator since the intention of this template is to produce fixtures and matches. You can compare them to see further the difference. You will need this only if you plan to have same team meeting more than twice within one league period or if you need to have more flexible matches schedule (one day league, 1 – 7 matchday a week, etc). If you want to simulate European football or other league competition, this is not correct one for you.
The second model, which aim and set-and-match sport types, will have features. You can organize daily, two times until 7 times matchday a week where each day could held several rounds. Also you can set time interval between each rounds and matches. Or, you can organize a league for one day.
I created 4 samples for the implementation of my second model match scheduler and fixture generator that you can download it.
Match Scheduler and Fixtures
Ξ Automatic Fixtures Generator
It will generate all fixtures automatically.
Ξ Up to 8 Same Player/Team Meeting
You can choose upto 8 times, the match meeting between same player/team.
Ξ Accommodate until 36 Players/Teams
You can choose until 36 players/teams to participate in your league.
Ξ Feature-Rich Individual Player/Team Information
You can see your player/team schedule and result
See all the player/team matches and results in table view
See all player/team matches in one year calendar in calendar view
The result between the same opponent
Ξ Custom Season Calendar
Visualize all the team matches in one year calendar, and add holidays consideration to re-arrange any generated schedule.
Ξ Custom Points
You can set different points awarded for winning/losing sets for each player