Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter is an excel template that helps to prepare a complaint about verbal or sexual harassment by your colleague in less than 5 minutes.
Just enter your details, company details and letter is ready. It consists of a pre-draft letter and thus you don’t need to manually type whole letter.
What is a Harassment Complaint Letter?
A letter written by an individual who faces incident or unacceptable behavior from another individual at the workplace is called Harassment Complaint Letter. This harassment can either be verbal, mental or sexual.
Thus, The harassed individual launches a complaint with the concerned authority of the company in case of its occurrence at the workplace.
Moreover, A harassment letter mentions its duration and the person causing it. It must briefly explain the details of the harassment. It should be addressed to the concerned authority and must mention the outcome of the harassment. Moreover, it should also include the needful action to overcome the same.
So, Here are 2 harassment complaint letters; verbal harassment and sexual harassment.
Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template
We have created a simple and easy Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template with a pre-draft letter. Just enter details, concerned authority details, and the harassment details and your letter is ready to print.
Contents of Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Excel Template
This template consists of 3 sheets: Data Input Sheet, Verbal Harassment Complaint Letter Template and Sexual Harassment Complaint Letter.
Data Input Sheet
There are 5 sections in the Data Input Sheet: Employee details, Concerned Authority details, Other Details, Verbal Harassment details, and Sexual Harassment Details.
Firstly, Employee details consist of:
City and State
Pin code
Ph. No.
Secondly, Employer details include:
Company’s Name
Authorized Personnel Name
Thirdly, Details section consists of the following heads:
Letter Issuing Date
Employee’s Designation
Associated/Employed Since
Name of the person who harasses
Also, Verbal Harassment Details consists of the following:
Incident Dates
Incident Narration
Describe each incident in detail with dates and the action performed.
Above all, Sexual Harassment Details consists of the following:
Incident Dates
Incident Narration
Describe each incident in detail with dates and action performed.
Verbal and Sexual Harassment Complaint Letter Templates
You can print both types of letters just by entering the details in Data Input Sheet. The cells are link to the data input sheet and it will automatically fetch the require data at relevant places.
Printing the letter using the Excel file will look bit different from Word. The cells have been designated to place the require data. Hence, there will be more space near the credentials.
Thus, this template can be helpful to individual employees to complain for sexual or verbal harassment by a co-worker at your workplace in just a few minutes.