Download a School Calendar template for the 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 school year and easily edit it using Excel. Use our Academic year calendar templates to create calendars for public, private, or home schools. The templates include both monthly and yearly school calendars, and the yearly calendars work for any school year.
Academic year calendar worksheet
This download contains a collection of 14-month calendars with each month on a separate worksheet (from July to August of the following year). The collection currently contains calendars for the school years 2022-2023 through 2023-2024, including versions that show the week as Monday-Sunday.
Academic calendar
A 14-month school event calendar for listing the year’s events in detail, with mini-calendars on the left side. Works for any year, with a Monday-first option. Includes some U.S. holidays that update automatically when you change the year.
2022 academic calendar
A full-year (12-month) school-year calendar, good for any year, and you can choose the start month. This is a very popular template for creating and publishing a school calendar.
Academic calendar template
Calendar template is general enough to use for a single school, but we originally created it for a school district. It allows you to show a full school year and list specific events for different schools. You can change the labels in the “Category of Events” sections to be the names of the schools in the district.
the period of the year during which students attend school or university, usually reckoned from the beginning of the autumn term to the end of the summer term.
Academic term
The academic year is divided into 3 terms as follows: Term 1: Early January – Late March. Term 2: Early May – Late July. Term 3: Early September – Early/Mid November.
What is the academic year in US?
The academic year consists of trimesters or quarters – three terms/quarter academic year, as a rule, includes three major periods, autumn, winter and spring, every 10-12 weeks of training and additional years of unit from 1 to 11 weeks. The concept of “semester” and “quarter” in American education are very close.
Spring semester start date
Most US universities have the tri-semester system – the fall, spring, and summer. Each semester is around four months. This is the first semester of the year, which starts mid-August/Early September and is less often called the autumn semester.