You may use separate bank accounts for tracking different savings goals. Also for holding funds for annual expenses like taxes and insurance payments. If not, keep track of goals when you are using just one or two checking and savings accounts.
Public bank online register saving account
Online banks are making it simpler to create multiple bank accounts, and some of them even allow you to set up sub-accounts. Whether your bank allows or not, you can still create virtual sub-accounts on your own online.
Register discover savings account
This Saving Account Register template allows to track multiple accounts or sub-accounts within a single account register. You can define sub-accounts for specific savings goals, enter the goal amounts for every account, and track your progress using the chart.
The spreadsheet assumes that you are familiar on how to record basic savings and checking account transactions. Some help includes within the workbook to explain how to use the template. For handling multiple accounts, the account register works the same way as the transactions table in the money manager.
If you want to manage a budget or “spending plan,” then you can track spending across all your different accounts. That is what the money manager is design for. The Account Register Template is design mainly for tracking savings goals. If you are already using some other system for your budget and money management.
Reconciling with Your Bank Statement
If you are using the template to split a single bank account into multiple virtual accounts, you can use your bank statement to reconcile your spreadsheet with your bank.
The transfers between your virtual accounts won’t display up on your actual bank statement, but you can still reconcile the account register spreadsheet with your bank statement by comparing the Total Balance on the sheet.