I was asked if it would be possible to convert my annual calendar template into an rotation schedule multiple employees. For employees who are working a Rota consisting of the number of days on followed by a number of days off. The result was new template Rotation Schedule Multiple Employees.
Rotation Shift Schedule
This version of rotation schedule allows you to show the rotation for multiple employees. You define rotation pattern for each employee, all starting from a specific date. The template shows total number assign to each shift for each day.
Rotation Work Schedule
This rotation schedule template does not handle all types of shift schedule patterns. But, it does a pretty good job of handling most of the common cases:
[ On / Off ] Patterns
Shifts that involve working X days followed by Y days off are easy to handle with this Rota template. Just leave “Shift 2” field blank. Or, if using String method, you can define a 4/2 pattern as “1111xx”.
[ Shift1 / Shift2 / Off ] Patterns
In some cases, an employee might work 2 days on Shift 1, followed by 2 days on Shift 2, follow by a number of days off.
An rotation weekend schedule example would be a 4-day shift pattern in which an employee works a 12 hour day shift first day, followed by a 12 hour night shift the second day, follow by two days off. If using String method, this will define as “12xx”.
[ 2/3/2 ] Fortnight Patterns
Some rotation schedule use a pattern that repeats every fortnight (2 weeks), and may be refer to as 2/3/2. I created the Rotation Advanced worksheet specifically for cases like this, where repeating pattern is “11xxx11xx111xx” with “x” meaning OFF and the “1” meaning ON.
Day shift for X months, then Night shift for Y months
It is pretty common for an employee to assign a shift for an extend amount of time (months?) Moreover, how hard it can be on the body and general life planning to change from a day to a night shift on regular basis. Though the rotation schedule template is set up to show an entire year. Furthermore you could use it to show a few months at a time (by hiding or deleting the unneeded rows).