Learn 200+ Excel Shortcuts to Increase Productivity

Learn 200 Excel Shorts

Table of Contents

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Extending the Selection

  • Short Cut for Create a new blank Workbook: Ctrl N
  • Short Cut for Displays the Open Dialogue box to Open/Find a file: Ctrl + O
  • Short Cut for Saves the Workbook with its current file name, location, and file type: Ctrl + S
  • Short Cut for Opens the Save As dialogue box: F12
  • Short Cut for Opens the Print Preview Window: Ctrl + F2
  • Short Cut for Maximize or Restore Selected Workbook Window: Ctrl + F10
  • Short Cut for Minimize Workbook: Ctrl + F9
  • Short Cut for Switch to the Next Workbook: Ctrl + Tab
  • Short Cut for Switch to the Previous Workbook: Ctrl + Shift + Tab
  • Short Cut for Close Current Workbook: Alt+F4+Back
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Short Cuts for Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cell Editing

  • Short Cut for Edit Active Cell: F2
  • Short Cut for Start a New Line in the Same Cell: Alt + Enter
  • Short Cut for Select One Character on the Right of the Cursor: Shift + →
  • Short Cut for Select One Character on the Left of the Cursor: Shift + ←
  • Short Cut for Jump one Word on the Right of the Cursor: Ctrl + →
  • Short Cut for Jump one Word on the Left of the Cursor: Ctrl + ←
  • Short Cut for Select one Word on the Right of the Cursor: Ctrl + Shift + →
  • Short Cut for Select one Word on the Left of the Cursor: Ctrl + Shift + ←
  • Short Cut for Delete One Character on the Left of the Cursor: Backspace
  • Short Cut for Delete Character on the Right of the Cursor: Delete
  • Short Cut for Delete to the End of the line (from the cursor): Ctrl + Delete
  • Short Cut for Cancel Entry: Esc + Back

Short Cuts for Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Navigation

  • Short Cut for Move One Cell Up:
  • Short Cut for Move One Cell Down :
  • Short Cut for Move One Cell to the Right:
  • Short Cut for Move One Cell to the Left:
  • Down One Screen: PageDown
  • Up One Screen: PageUp
  • Move One Screen to the Right: Alt +PageDown
  • Move One Screen to the Left: Alt + PageUp
  • Move to the Right Edge of the Data Region: Ctrl + →
  • Move to the Left Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + ←
  • Move to the Bottom edge of the data region: Ctrl + ↓
  • Move to the Top Edge of Data Region: Ctrl + ↑
  • Move to the Bottom-right used Cell in the Worksheet: Ctrl + End
  • Go to the First Cell in the Current Region: Ctrl + Home
  • Move to the Beginning of the Row: Home +
  • Move to Next Worksheet: Ctrl + PageDown
  • Move to the Previous Worksheet: Ctrl + PageUp

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – General

  • Opens Help: F1
  • Repeats the last command or action: Ctrl + Y
  • Repeats the Last Action: F4 +
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Spell Check: F7
  • Apply Data Filter: Ctrl + Shift + L
  • Activate Filter (when the cell with filter is selected): Alt + ↓
  • Display Go To Dialogue Box: F5  
  • Display Go To Dialogue Box: Ctrl + G
  • Recalculate All Workbooks: F9
  • Calculate Active Worksheet: Shift + F9
  • Display the Print Menu: Ctrl + P
  • Turn On End Mode: End

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Cut, Copy, Paste

  • Copy Selected Cells: Ctrl + C
  • Cut Selected Cells: Ctrl + X
  • Paste Content from the Clipboard: Ctrl + V
  • Copy Formula from the Cell Above: Ctrl + ‘
  • Copy Value from the Cell Above: Ctrl + “
  • Display Paste Special Dialogue Box: Ctrl + Alt + V

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Data Entry

  • Enter and Move Down: Enter
  • Enter and Remain on the Same Cell: Control + Enter
  • Enter and Move Up: Shift + Enter
  • Enter and Move right: Tab
  • Enter and Move Left: Shift + Tab
  • Enter Same Data in All Selected Cells: Control + Enter
  • Display AutoComplete list: Alt + ↓
  • Fill Down: Ctrl + D
  • Fill Right: Ctrl + R
  • Insert Current Date: Ctrl + ;
  • Insert Current Time: Ctrl + Shift + ;
  • Start a New Line in the Same Cell: Alt + Enter
  • Cancel Cell Entry: ESC + Back

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Clear

  • Clear Everything: Alt + H + E + A
  • Clear Formats Only: Alt + H + E + F
  • Clear Content Only: Alt + H + E + C
  • Clear Hyperlinks Only: Alt + H + E + L
  • Clear Comments Only: Alt + H + E + M

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Selection

  • Select the Current Region / Select All: Ctrl + A
  • Select Visible Cells in the Current Region: Alt + ;
  • Select the Current Region Around the Active Cell: Ctrl + Shift + *
  • Select Entire Row: Shift + Space
  • Select Entire Column: Ctrl + Space
  • Select All Cells that Contain Comments: Ctrl + Shift + O
  • Select Row Differences: Ctrl + \
  • Select Column Differences: Ctrl + Shift + |
  • Select Direct Precedents: Ctrl + [
  • Select all Precedents: Ctrl + Shift + {
  • Select Direct Dependents: Ctrl + ]
  • Select all Dependents: Ctrl + Shift +}
  • Display Go To Dialogue Box: Ctrl + G

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Extending the Selection

  • Extend Selection to the Right by One Cell: Shift + →
  • Extend Selection to the Left by One Cell: Shift + ←
  • Extend Selection Upwards by One Cell: Shift + ↑
  • Extend Selection Downwards by One Cell: Shift + ↓
  • Extend the Selection to the Right till the Last Cell: Ctrl + Shift + →
  • Extend the Selection to the Left till the Last Cell: Ctrl + Shift + ←
  • Extend the Selection Upwards to the Last Cell: Ctrl + Shift +↑
  • Extend Selection Upwards by One Screen: Shift + PageUp
  • Extend Selection Downwards by One Screen: Shift + PageDown
  • Extend Selection to the Right by One Screen: ALT + Shift + PageUp
  • Extend Selection to the Left by One Screen: ALT + Shift + PageDown
  • Extend Selection to the Start of the Row: Shift + Home
  • Extend Selection to First Cell in the Worksheet: Ctrl + Shift + Home
  • Extend Selection to the Last Cell in the Worksheet: Ctrl + Shift + End
  • Toggle Extend Selection Mode: F8 + Back
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Alignment
  • Align Content to the Center of the Cell: Alt + H + A + C
  • Align Content to the Left of the Cell: Alt + H + A + L
  • Align Content to the Right of the Cell: Alt + H + A + R
  • Align Content to the Middle of the Cell: Alt + H + A + M

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Hide/Unhide (Rows, Columns, Objects)

  • Hide Selected Rows: Ctrl + 9
  • Hide Selected Columns: Ctrl + 0
  • Unhide Hidden Rows in Selection: Ctrl + Shift + 9
  • Unhide Hidden Columns in Selection: Ctrl + Shift + 0
  • Show/Hide Objects: Ctrl + 6
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Insert
  • Insert New Line in the Same Cell: Alt + Enter
  • Insert New Worksheet: Shift + F11
  • Insert Row/Cell (shows a dialog box): Ctrl + Shift + =
  • Insert Current Date: Ctrl + ;
  • Insert Current Time: Ctrl + Shift + ;
  • Insert Table: Ctrl + T
  • Insert Hyperlink: Ctrl + K
  • Insert Argument Names into Formula: Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Insert/Edit Cell Comment: Shift + F2
  • Delete Row/Cell (shows the dialog box): Ctrl + –

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formatting

  • Make Text Bold: Ctrl + B
  • Make Text Italics: Ctrl + I
  • Place outline Border around the Selected Cells: Ctrl + Shift + 7
  • Remove Outline Border: Ctrl + Shift + _
  • Underline Text: Ctrl + U
  • Apply Strikethrough Format: Ctrl + 5
  • Apply Indent: Alt + H + 6
  • Remove Indent: Alt + H + 5
  • Increase Font Size by One Step: Alt + H + F + G
  • Decrease Font Size by One Step: Alt + H + F + K
  • Apply the Number format with Two Decimal Places, Thousands Separator, and a Minus Sign for Negative Values: Ctrl + Shift + !
  • Apply the Date format with the Day, Month, and Year: Ctrl + Shift + #
  • Apply the Currency Format with Two Decimal Places: Ctrl + Shift + $
  • Apply the Percentage Format with No Decimal Places: Ctrl + Shift + %
  • Apply the Time format with the Hour and Minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M: Ctrl + Shift + @
  • Apply the General Number Format: Ctrl + Shift + ~
  • Apply the Exponential Format: Ctrl + Shift + ^
  • Displays the Format Style Dialog Box: Alt + ‘
  • Displays the Format Cells Dialogue Box: Ctrl + 1
  • Displays the Font Dialogue Box: Shift + Ctrl + F

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Formula Related

  • Insert Auto sum Formula: Alt + =
  • While Typing a Formula, Switches Cell Reference from Absolute to Relative: F4
  • Expand/Collapse Formula Bar: Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Display the Insert Function Dialog Box: Shift + F3
  • Enter a Formula as an Array Formula: Ctrl + Shift + Enter
  • Evaluate Part of the Formula: F9
  • Select the Array Containing the Active Cell: CTRL + /
  • Select All Cells Directly or Indirectly Referenced by Formulas in the Selection: CTRL + [
  • Select Cells that Contain Formulas that Directly or Indirectly Reference the Active Cell: CTRL + ]
  • Toggle Value/Formula display: Ctrl + `
  • Rechecks Dependent Formulas and then Calculates all Cells in all Open Workbooks: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Find and Replace

  • Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Find Selected): Ctrl + F
  • Display Find and Replace Dialogue Box (Replace Selected): Ctrl + H
  • Find Next Match: Shift +F4
  • Find the Previous Match: Ctrl + Shift + F4

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Conditional Formatting

  • Open Conditional Formatting Dialogue Box: Alt + O + D
  • Clear Conditional from Selected Cells: Alt + H + L + C + S
  • Clear Conditional from the Entire Worksheet: Alt + H + L + C+ E
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Charting
  • Inserts Chart in the Worksheet (using the selected data): Alt + F1
  • Inserts a Chart Sheet with a Chart (using the selected data): F11
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Drag (Mouse)
  • Drag and Copy: Ctrl + Drag
  • Drag and Cut
  • Drag and Insert
  • Shift Drag
  • Duplicate Worksheet: Ctrl + Drag
  • Switch Position of Cells/Rows/Columns: Ctrl + Shift+ Drag

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Named Ranges

  • Get a List of All Defined Named Ranges: F3
  • Create Named Range from Selection: Ctrl + Shift + F3
  • Define Name Dialog Box: Ctrl + F3
  • Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Pivot Table
  • Display Insert Pivot Table Dialogue Box: Alt + N + V
  • Open Pivot Table Wizard: Alt + D + P
  • Select Entire Pivot Table (excluding Report Filters): Ctrl + A
  • Add/Remove Checkmark for Selected Field in PivotTable Field List: Space
  • Group Selected Pivot Table Items: Alt + Shift + →
  • UnGroup Pivot Table Items: Alt + Shift + ←
  • Select the Next Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List:
  • Select a Previous Item in PivotTable Field List or Items List:
  • Select Last Visible Item in List: End
  • Select First Visible Item in List: Home
  • Open Field List for Active Cell: Alt + ↓
  • Hide Selected Item or Field: Ctrl + –
  • Opens Calculated Field dialog box (when the data field is selected): Shift + Ctrl + =
  • Opens Calculated Item Dialog box (when field heading cell is Selected): Shift + Ctrl + =

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – Others

  • Restore Window Size: Ctrl + F5
  • Move Window: Ctrl + F7
  • Resize Window: Ctrl + F8
  • Previous Window: Ctrl + Shift + F6
  • Next Pane: F6
  • Previous Pane: F8
  • Extend Mode: Shift + F10
  • Display Shortcut Menu: Shift + F6
  • Turns On the Add to Selection Mode: Shift + F8

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts – VBA

  • Switch between Excel Worksheet and the VBA editor: Alt + F11
  • VB Help: F1
  • View Object Browser: F2
  • View Properties: F4
  • View Code window: F7
  • View Immediate window: Ctrl + G
  • View Shortcut Menu: Shift + F10
  • Run a Sub/UserForm: F5
  • Step Into: F8
  • Step Over: Shift + F8
  • Step Out: Ctrl + Shift + F8
  • Run to Cursor: Ctrl + F8
  • Toggle Breakpoint: F9
  • Clear All Breakpoints: Ctrl + F9
  • Close VBA Editor and Return to the Excel Worksheet: Alt + Q

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Daily Expense Sheet

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Learn Microsoft Excel : Blogs and Articles

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