Download Free ca.vikash1988 Excel Templates

Download ca.vikash1988 Excel Template specially designed for simplifying the work. All templates are free and 100% editable.
All Our Excel Templates are Compatible with : Microsoft Office Excel, Libra Office, WPS Office, Google WorkSheet. You can simply download our XLSX File Format and use it.
Explore our Free Excel Templates and Format under this Category 

Convert Date into Year

Sub date2year() Dim tempCell As Range Selection.Value = Selection.Value For Each tempCell In Selection If IsDate(tempCell) = True Then With tempCell .Value = Year(tempCell) .NumberFormat

Remove Date from Date and Time

Sub removeDate() Dim Rng As Range For Each Rng In Selection If IsDate(Rng) = True Then Rng.Value = Rng.Value – VBA.Fix(Rng.Value) End If NextSelection.NumberFormat =

Replace Blank Cells with Zeros

Sub replaceBlankWithZero() Dim rng As Range Selection.Value = Selection.Value For Each rng In Selection If rng = “” Or rng = ” ” Then rng.Value

Convert to Sentence Case

Sub convertTextCase() Dim Rng As Range For Each Rng In Selection If WorksheetFunction.IsText(Rng) Then Rng.Value = UCase(Left(Rng, 1)) & LCase(Right(Rng, Len(Rng) – 1)) End If

Remove Negative Signs

Sub removeNegativeSign() Dim rng As Range Selection.Value = Selection.Value For Each rng In Selection If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(rng) Then rng.Value = Abs(rng) End If Next rng Remove

Convert Roman Numbers into Arabic Numbers

Sub convertToNumbers() Dim rng As Range Selection.Value = Selection.Value For Each rng In Selection If Not WorksheetFunction.IsNonText(rng) Then rng.Value = WorksheetFunction.Arabic(rng) End If Next rng

Add A-Z Alphabets in a Range

Sub addsAlphabets1() Dim i As Integer For i = 65 To 90 ActiveCell.Value = Chr(i) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Next i End Sub Sub addsAlphabets2() Dim i

Calculate the Cube Root

Sub getCubeRoot() Dim rng As Range Dimi As Integer For Each rng In Selection If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(rng) Then rng.Value = rng ^ (1 / 3) Else

Convert all Formulas into Values

Sub convertToValues() Dim MyRange As Range Dim MyCell As Range Select Case _ MsgBox(“You Can’t Undo This Action. ” _ & “Save Workbook First?”, vbYesNoCancel,

Calculate the Square Root

Sub getSquareRoot() Dim rng As Range Dim i As Integer For Each rng In Selection If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(rng) Then rng.Value = Sqr(rng) Else End If Next

How to use Goal Seek in Excel

How to use Goal Seek in Excel Sheet

In school days, we used to solve mathematical equations….where we have the result of the equation… ..but don’t have the input value. So, if you think

Use Goal Seek

Sub GoalSeekVBA() Dim Target As Long On Error GoTo Errorhandler Target = InputBox(“Enter the required value”, “Enter Value”) Worksheets(“Goal_Seek”).Activate With ActiveSheet.Range(“C7”) .GoalSeek_ Goal:=Target, _ ChangingCell:=Range(“C2”)

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Unlock Efficiency with Our Excel Templates: Your Ultimate Tool for Effective Planning, Tracking, and Analysis

Are you tired of spending hours on mundane and repetitive tasks like managing budgets, tracking expenses, or maintaining schedules? Welcome to the future of efficiency, where our free Excel templates, tailored to your business and personal requirements, simplify these processes and much more!

Revolutionize Your Tasks with Microsoft Excel

With Microsoft Excel’s advent, tasks once considered tedious have become a thing of the past. Our website takes this innovation further by offering a myriad of professionally-designed Excel templates, completely free of charge. These templates are not just versatile; they are 100% customizable to fit your specific needs.

Why Choose Our Excel Templates?

  • Simplified Everyday Tasks: Our templates make complex calculations and data entry as simple as a click. You don’t have to be an expert to use them; they’re designed to be user-friendly.
  • Professionally Crafted Designs: From budgeting and invoicing to Human Resource and Taxation, our professional designers have created templates catering to a wide array of fields.
  • Save Time and Boost Productivity: Imagine all the time you can save by not having to create formulas and format cells. Our templates offer an efficient way to manage and analyze data.

Explore Our Most Popular Templates:

With this extensive collection of Excel templates, we cover nearly every aspect of business and personal needs. Each template is designed with expertise to offer functionality, ease of use, and efficiency. Explore and download these free Excel templates today, and elevate your productivity to new heights!

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Our Excel templates are more than just a tool; they are your partner in streamlining business processes, enhancing productivity, and achieving better results. Created by professionals with years of experience, they are designed to significantly reduce the effort required for various tasks.


If you’re looking to simplify your work or take your project management to the next level, look no further than our free Excel templates. Entirely customizable, user-friendly, and crafted to meet your daily needs, our templates are here to make your life easier. Download today and embark on a journey towards efficiency and success!


Learn about various tips and tricks in Microsoft Excel and Spreadsheet. Create best templates and dashboards using free tricks and tutorials in excel and spreadsheet. These tutorial posts are useful for everyone who wants to master the skills in excel and spreadsheet.

Task Order Billing Format
Excel Templates

Task Order Billing Format

Task Order Billing Format Template: Your Key to Efficient Milestone-Based Invoicing In a landscape where project dynamics shift and evolve, …

Software Development Services Invoice Format
Excel Templates

Software Development Services Invoice

Software Development Services Invoice Format: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Billing In the intricate world of software development, attention …

Social Media Marketing Services Invoice Format
Excel Templates

Social Media Marketing Services Invoice

In the age of digitization, businesses are increasingly relying on social media to enhance their reach, engagement, and conversion rates. …

simple UK VAT Invoice Template
Excel Templates

Simple UK VAT Invoice Template

For businesses in the UK, VAT (Value Added Tax) compliance is essential. One of the key components of this is …

Simple Tax Invoice
Excel Templates

Simple Tax Invoice

In the realm of business, clarity, precision, and simplicity can be the key to smooth transactions. A Simple Tax Invoice …

Sample Material Supply Invoice
Excel Templates

Sample Material Supply Invoice

In various industries, the accurate and prompt delivery of materials is vital to maintaining uninterrupted operations. A Material Supply Invoice …